Judicial Dictionary - C

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Contempt of Court

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TitleContempt of Court

'Contempt of Court' has nowhere been defined in statutes. It has been conveniently described by referring to its ingredients and citing examples. 'Contempt' may be consti­tuted by any conduct that brings authority of the Court in to disrespect or disregard or undermines it dignity and prestige. Scanda­lising the Court is a worst kind of contempt. Making imputations touching the impar­tiality and integrity of a Judge or making sarcastic remarks about his judicial com­petence is also a contempt. Conduct or action causing obstruction or interfering with the course of justice is a contempt. To pre­judice the general public against a party to an action before it is heard is another form of contempt. (Per Shahabuddin Ahmed, J.Moazzem Hossain Vs. State, 1983, 12 CLC (AD) [7047] ) 

Created OnJune 8, 2014, 10:01 AM