Judicial Dictionary - C
Judicial Dictionary
Legislative Dictionary
Contempt of Court
Category | C |
Title | Contempt of Court |
Details | 'Contempt of Court' has nowhere been defined in statutes. It has been conveniently described by referring to its ingredients and citing examples. 'Contempt' may be constituted by any conduct that brings authority of the Court in to disrespect or disregard or undermines it dignity and prestige. Scandalising the Court is a worst kind of contempt. Making imputations touching the impartiality and integrity of a Judge or making sarcastic remarks about his judicial competence is also a contempt. Conduct or action causing obstruction or interfering with the course of justice is a contempt. To prejudice the general public against a party to an action before it is heard is another form of contempt. (Per Shahabuddin Ahmed, J.) ( Moazzem Hossain Vs. State, 1983, 12 CLC (AD) [7047] ) |
Created On | June 8, 2014, 10:01 AM |
Hits | 315 |