Judicial Dictionary - B

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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The word "brings" has been stated in "The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary", Volume-I as "cause to come, come with, or to convey by carrying". In "The American Heritage Dictionary of The English Language" the word "bring" has been couched in the terms "to take with oneself to a place". In the New International Webster's Collegiate Dictionary of The English Language International Encyclopedic Edition, the meaning of word "bring" is in the language "to convey or cause (a person or thing) to come with oneself to or toward a place". From the above the meaning of the word "brings", is "to take or to cause to come with oneself to a place". (13 MLR (HCD) (2008) 88) 

Created OnJune 9, 2014, 1:47 AM