Judicial Dictionary - B

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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"Bruises or contusions are injuries which are caused by a blow from a blunt weapon, such as a club (lathi), whip, iron bar, stone, ball, fingers, fist, boots, etc. or by a fall, or by crushing or compression. These are accompanied by a painful swelling and crushing or tearing of the subcutaneous tissues without solution of continuity of the skin. Some bruises are patterned. The swelling is due to the rupture of the small subcutaneous blood vessels producing in the cellular tissues extravasation of blood, which is known as ecchymosis. The term effusion of blood is ordinarily limited to extravasation of blood in a plural cavity or a joint cavity. Haematomas are formed when large blood vessels are injured. Ecchymosis makes its appearance over the seat of injury in one or two hours after the injury. It may appear even in less time, if the skin injured is very thin, as in the eyelids and scrotum. When ecchymosis has occurred into the caeper tissues or under tense fascias, it appears on the surface at an interval of one of two days or even more at some distance from the seat of injury following the line of least resistance and in obedience to the law of gravity, e.g. the appearance of black eye in the case of a contusion on the forehead or on the head. Sometimes, ecchymosis may not appear until after death, when a contusion has been caused within a few hours or a day of two before death. ... The extent of ecchymosis depends, in ordinary circumstance upon the nature and severity of the force used, the vascularity of the part struck, amount of subcutaneous fact, looseness of the underlying cellular tissues and the condition of the assaulted victim.” (Ref. NJ Modi’s Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology, Twentieth Edition, page 204 in Abdus Sukur Mia Vs. State, 1994, 23 CLC (HCD) [7662] ) 

Created OnJune 9, 2014, 1:57 AM