Judicial Dictionary - C

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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Control in section 4(b) of the Explosive Substances Act, 1908 means that the accused must have such power over explosive substances that he can direct its custody, production, use or disposal in some mariner. "Control" in context means power or ability to regulate the keeping or possession or use to endanger life and cause serious injury to a person or property. Possession or control essential to constitute an offence under section 4(b), thus, must be "conscious possession" and "effective control" over explosive substances to endanger life or to cause serious injury to person or property. 

(Muhibur Rahman Manik and another Vs. State, 2006, 35 CLC (HCD) [8256])  

Control in section 19(f) of the Arms Act, 1878  means that the accused must have such power over arms and ammunition that he can direct its custody, production, use or disposal in some manner. "Control" in the context means power or ability to regulate the keeping or possession or use of arms and ammunition to endanger life. Possession or control essential to consĀ­titute an offence under section 19(f), thus, must be "conscious possession" and "effective conĀ­trol" over arms and ammunition. 

(13 BLC (HCD) (2008) 705) 


Created OnJune 17, 2014, 3:34 AM