Judicial Dictionary - E

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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(in land law) The character and duration of a person’s ownership of land; the aggregate of all the property to which a person is beneficially entitled. Estate means land included under one entry in any of the general registers of revenue-paying lands and revenue-free lands, prepared and maintained under the law for the time being in force by the Collector of a district, and includes Government khas mahals and revenue-free lands not entered in any register. [Section 2(11) of the State Acquisition and Tenancy Act, 1951 (E.B Act XXVIII OF 1951)]

Estate means any land included under one entry in any of the general registers of revenue-paying lands and revenue-free lands prepared and maintained under the law for the time being in force by the Collector or Deputy Commissioner of a district; any khas mahal and revenuefree land not entered in any register; any char or island thrown up in a itavigable river or in the sea which, under the laws for the time being in force, is at the disposal of the Government. [Section 2 of the Survey Act, 1875, (Act V of 1875)]

See, Section 3 of the Court of Wards Act, 1879

Created OnApril 23, 2011, 9:17 AM