Legislative Dictionary - A

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 11-20 of 32 results.
Acquirer"Acquirer" means a member of a Hindu undivided family, who acquires gains of learning. [See, section...1210
ActThe word "act" denotes as well a series of acts as a single act. [See, section 33, the Penal Code, 1860...768
Act of a firmAn "act of a firm" means any act or omission by all the partners, or by any partner or agent of the firm...1265
Act of BankruptcyAny of the following acts of the debtor shall be an act of bankruptcy, namely:— (a) if, in Bangladesh...3304
Act of Parliament"Act of Parliament" shall mean an Act passed by Parliament and shall include any Act passed or made by...1234
Action"Action" means action taken by way of decision, recommendation or approval or in any other manner and...1256
Actionable Claim"Actionable claim" means a claim to any debt, other than a debt secured by mortgage of immoveable property...804
Active Service"Active service", as applied to a person subject to this Act, means the time during which such person...818
Addition"Addition" means the place of residence, and the profession, trade, rank and title (if any) of a person...1290
Adjudication"Adjudication" or "order of adjudication" means an order made under section 10 declaring a debtor to...1258