Judicial Dictionary - A
Judicial Dictionary
Legislative Dictionary
Displaying 21-30 of 41 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
Admission | The word “admission” according to plain and natural meaning connotes a conscious act. It means the... | 383 |
Adopted son | Under the Hindu Law, the adopted son in relation to his adopted father stands equally with the natural... | 394 |
Adverse possession | Adverse possession refers to one person’s occupation of land which is inconsistent with the right of... | 1425 |
Advertisement | An advertisement means any commercial publication/display of any message or notice in relation to any... | 364 |
Advocate | An advocate is a person who by profession pleads for another or conducts a case in a court of law. He... | 1067 |
Affidavit | A written statement sworn before a person having authority to administer an oath. An affidavit must be... | 1608 |
Agency of the Government | Mere performance of governmental functions by an organisation will not automatically convert an organisation... | 923 |
Agent | Generally agent is one who is appointed to bring his principal into contractual relationships with other... | 1005 |
Alibi | Alibi postulates physical impossibility of the accused at the scene of offence by reason of his presence... | 1491 |
Alien Enemy | The expression has now acquired a legal connotation. Its authoritative exposition is to be found in Halsbury's... | 542 |