Legislative Dictionary - B
Judicial Dictionary
Legislative Dictionary
Displaying 21-30 of 43 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
Barga Land | "Barga land" means any land under cultivation of any person as a bargadar. [See, section 2 (c), the Land... | 407 |
Bargadar | "bargadar" means a person who under the system generally known as adhi, barga, or bhag cultivates the... | 559 |
Barrower | "Borrower" means a person to whom a loan is advanced and includes a successor-in-interest or surety.... | 439 |
Begging | "Begging" means- (i) Soliciting or receiving alms in a public place, whether or not under any pretence... | 500 |
Beneficiary | "Beneficiary" means any person entitled to receive any pecuniary or other material benefits from a waqf... | 440 |
Benefit | "Benefit" does not include any benefit which a mutawalli is entitled to claim solely by reason of his... | 410 |
Bengal Act | "Bengal Act" shall mean an Act made by the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal in Council under the Indian... | 444 |
Bet | "Bet" includes "wager" and betting includes wagering. [See, section 14(2), the Amusement Tax Act, 1922... | 420 |
Bigamy with Adultery | "Bigamy with adultery" means adultery with the same woman with whom the bigamy was committed. [See, section... | 416 |
Bill of exchange | A "bill of exchange" is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional order, signed by the maker,... | 432 |