Legislative Dictionary - C
Judicial Dictionary
Legislative Dictionary
Displaying 91-100 of 123 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
Counterfeiting a Government stamp | A person commits this offence who counterfeits by causing a genuine stamp of one denomination to appear... | 372 |
Counterfeiting Coin | A person commits this offence who intending to practise deception, or knowing it to be likely that deception... | 341 |
Court | "Court" means any court of law including Supreme Court. [See article 152 (1), the Constitution of the... | 328 |
Court of Justice | The words "Court of Justice" denote a Judge who is empowered by law to act judicially alone, or a body... | 356 |
Court of Sessions | "Court of Sessions" includes a metropolitan Court of Sessions. [See section 4 (hh), the Criminal Procedure... | 337 |
Court of Small Causes | "Court of Small causes" means a Court of Small Causes constituted under this Act, and includes any person... | 418 |
Court of Summary Jurisdiction | Court of summary jurisdiction means the Court of a District Magistrate. [See section 2, the Maintenance... | 320 |
Court which passed a decree | The expression "Court which passed a decree," or words to that effect, shall, in relation to the execution... | 356 |
Court-Martial | "Court-martial" means a court-martial held under this Act. [See section 8 (6), the Army Act, 1952 (Act... | 351 |
Cousin | In a will — the words "cousins," or 'first cousins", or "cousins-german", apply only to children of... | 355 |