Legislative Dictionary - D
Judicial Dictionary
Legislative Dictionary
Displaying 1-10 of 60 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
Dacoity | When five or more persons conjointly commit or attempt to commit a robbery, or where the whole number... | 551 |
Dacoity | When five or more persons conjointly commit or attempt to commit a robbery, or where the whole number... | 602 |
Dangerous Goods | "Dangerous goods" means such articles, goods or things as the Government may, by notification in the... | 601 |
Daughter-in-Law | "Daughter-in-law" shall be deemed to include the wife of an adopted son. [See section 6, the Hindu Wills... | 571 |
Day | "Day" means a period of twenty-four hours beginning at midnight. [See section 2(d), the Factories Act,... | 583 |
Dealing in the Black-Market | "Dealing in the black-market" means selling or buying anything for purposes of trade at a price higher... | 574 |
Death | The word "death" denotes the death of a human being unless the contrary appears from the context. [See... | 566 |
Debenture | "Debenture" includes debenture stock, bonds and any other securities of a company, whether constituting... | 705 |
Debt | Debt includes money payable under a decree or order of Court. [See explanation to section 20, the Limitation... | 581 |
Debt and Debt Charge | "Debt" includes any liability in respect of any obligation to repay capital sums by way of annuities... | 560 |