Legislative Dictionary - D

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 31-40 of 60 results.
DesertionA person is guilty of desertion within the meaning of this Ordinance if he leaves or fails to attend...353
Desertion"Desertion" implies abandonment against the wish of the person charging it. [See section 3(9), the Divorce...353
Design"Design" means only the features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament applied to any article...349
Detention Order"Detention order" means an order of detention made under section 3. [See section 2(c), the Special Powers...347
Die without Issue or die without leaving issueAnd it is hereby enacted, that in any devise or bequest of real or personal estate the words "die without...357
DisaffectionThe expression "disaffection" includes disloyalty and all feetings of enmity. [See section explanation...344
Discharge“Discharge” means the termination of services of a worker by the employer for reasons of physical...366
Discharge in relation to an individual bankrupt"Discharge" in relation to an individual bankrupt, means a situation when, in pursuance of an order of...377
Disciplinary Law"Disciplinary law" means a law regulating the discipline of any disciplined force. [See article 152(1),...341
Disciplined Force"Disciplined force" means— (a) the army, navy or air force; (b) the police force; (c) any other force...565