Legislative Dictionary - I

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 11-20 of 43 results.
Incestuous Adultery"incestuous adultery" means adultery omitted by a husband with a woman with whom, if his wife were dead,...321
Income"income" includes— (a) any income, profits or gains, from whatever source derived, chargeable to tax...297
Increment to IslandIt is hereby declared that when any islands shall, under the provisions of clause 3, section 4, of Regulation...325
Indecent"indecent" includes whatsoever may amount to any incentive to sensuality and excitement of impure thoughts...388
Individual and Individual Debtor"Individual" means a natural person and "individual debtor" means a debtor who is an individual. [See,...307
IndorsementWhen the maker or holder of a negotiable instrument signs the same, otherwise than as such maker, for...304
Indorsement in Blank and in Full(1) If the indorser signs his name only, the indorsement is said to be "in blank," and if he adds a direction...360
Industrial Dispute"industrial dispute" means any dispute or difference between employers and employers or between employers...309
Industrial Establishment"industrial establishment" means any — (a) tramway or motor omnibus service; (b) dock, wharf or jetty;...608
Industrial Undertaking"industrial undertaking" means,— (a) any concern engaged in— (i) the manufacture or production of...322